Friday, October 30, 2009

Video kasutamisest keeletundides

Põhjuseid, miks videot tunnis kasutada on erinevaid:
* õpetada ja õppida keelt, arendada tõlke- ja suhtlemisoskusi,
* luua sõnastikke,
* saada teada, kuidas teha ja luua asju,
* jagada infot toodete kohta,
* luua arutelusid ja jagada mõtteid,
* luua ise videoid,
* tundi lõbusamaks ja mitmekesisemaks muuta.

Võimalik on kasutada nii Online videoid kui teha neid ise Windows Movie Maker´iga

Example 1

English with Music

1. Go to Musicians cannel on Youtube at:
2. Type in the name of a singer or band you like and click on search.
3. Find a video clip from this singer/band and watch it.
4. Now write about the clip. You can use these starter sentences to help you:

a. The mood of the music is…….
b. The song is about………
c. The singer´s voice is…………
d. The singer reminds me of…………
e. The video makes me think of……….
f. What I like about the song is…………….
g. What I like about the video is……………..
h. I don´t like………………….

5. Once you have finished change places with your partner and watch the video they wrote about. Also let them watch the clip you chose.
6. Complete the same sentences about your partners video clip.
Once you have watched both clips use your sentences to discuss the two video clips.

First published on Nik´s Daily English Activities

Example 2

English with Big Think

1. Go to the topics part of the site at:
2. Select a topic and a video.
3. Watch the video, make a summary of the main points and then list some of their own opinions on the topic.
4. Find a partner and debate the topic.

Example 3

English with Dotsub

1. Go to Dotsub at
2. Find a video that hasn´t been transcribed.
3. Listen to the video and transcribe it in English or translate it into your own language.
4. Register there and add your translation/transcription to the site.
5. You can also wait for the video to be transcribed and compare it to your own version.

Example 4

English with Langolab

1. Go to and find a suitable video to watch.
2. Make notes of any new vocabulary words.
3. You can get definitions of words by clicking on the wordsin the transcript.

Example 5

English with Windows Movie Maker

1. Take pictures of your school events and create a video.
2. Present the video to other students and talk about the following:
-what event it was, when did it take place,
-why did you chose this event,
-describe how did you create a video,
-describe people, things there

Example 6

English with Windows Movie Maker

Hea võimalus keeletunde mitmekesistada on rahvusvaheline projektitöö. Meie oleme seda teinud läbi etwinning´u. Siit üks näide ühisest õppematerjalist, kus partnerkool Šotimaalt koostas video ning mina selle põhjal küsimused.

1. Watch the video and answer the questions. You are going to watch it twice.

a)Where does Grangemouth lie?
b)What kind of houses people live in there?
c)Where do families enjoy their free time in Grangemouth?
d)Name the buildings in the town centre.
e)What is the main industry in Grangemouth? What is produced there?
f)There is a unique construction in Grangemouth. What is it and what is it used for?
g)What can you see in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland?

Example 7

English with Movie Maker

Õpilased lõid teksti videole Independence Day. Üks õpilane luges selle videole.
Tunnis rääkisime, kuidas tähistati iseseisvuspäeva meie koolis.

Example 8

English with Youtube

Youtube´s palju ja väga erinevaid võimalusi erinevate teemade käsitlemiseks võõrkeele tundides.
Keelte, maade ja rahvuste õppimiseks olen kasutanud videot "Where the Hell is Matt". Oleme seda teinud õppetüki lõpul võistlusena, kus õpilased on jagatud 3-4 gruppidesse

1. Watch the video and write down as many countries as you can.
2. Then write nationalities and languages to as many countries as you know.
3. You are going to watch it twice.

Example 9

English with Livemocha
Võimalus õppida erinevaid keeli, leida endale partner(eid) ja teha seda koos.

Example 10

English with Teachertube
Videod erinevatel teemadel, plaanid tunni läbiviimiseks.
Ajalooteemade käsitlemisel olen kasutanud videoid Waterloo village, Magna Carta, American history.

Example 11

English with Bubblejoy
Võimalus teha erinevaid videokaarte sünnipäevaks, uueks aastaks jne.

Example 12

English with Expotive toodete tutvustused ja reklaamid

Example 13

English with Monkeysee kuidas midagi teha, näiteks pesta autot, teha hernehirmutist jne

Example 14

English with Tokbox

Example 15

English with Totlol lastele

Example 16

English with Wordia

1. Think about a word.
2. Create a video explaining the word so that others can understand what is it.
3. Then listen to other explanations and guess their meaning.

Example 17

English with Xtranormal
1. Create a video choosing a person, hair colour, clothes etc.
2. Then talk about your person describing its outlook, clothes.
3. Choose a person and describe it.

Example 18

English with Vimeo

Example 19

English with Videojug
1. Choose a video How to Make Chocolate Brownies
2. Watch and listen to it
3. Explain to others how Chocolate Brownies are made

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