Sunday, December 20, 2009

Google Maps´i kasutamisest keeletundides

Google Maps´i olen kasutanud erinevates klassides õppimaks riike, rahvusi, keeli, ilmakaari. Samuti rääkides reisimisest, liiklusest, kuidas anda juhiseid kusagile jõudmiseks.
Samuti on see põnev vahend ka grammatika õppimisel (eessõnad, artiklid):

Example 1

Students are given the maps with a route from Trafalgar Square to Piccadilly Circus in London.
1. Read aloud directions from point A to point B. Say where you are and what can you see on your way.
Use phrases: turn left, right, go straight on.
2. Now choose two new points on the map and explain how would you get from point A to point B.Ćircus+Station+London+Underground+Ltd+Piccadill+Circus+London+W1V+9LB+UK+

Example 2

Work with a partner.
1. Open Google Maps, go to Get Directions, enter points A, B and C.
2. Make up dialogues how would you to suggest to your partner to get from point A to point B.
3. Use the phrases:

A: How can I get from Tallinn to Riga?
B: You can get there by bus (car, plane, train)

Example 3

Work with a partner.
1. Open Google Maps
2. Find a country and describe where it is located. Use the phrases:
to the south of...
to the north of...
to the east of...
to the west of... etc
by car, by bus, by plane,
on foot

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